Community Validation
Community Validation
ESDO aspires for communities to own, drive and validate all projects and programs that serve them.
All of ESDO’s analysis and design work is validated with the communities where the work is conducted.
Community Validation adds a second and third direction of contributions to programming. Often community input is received through fixed data collection tools adminstered by implementers and their partners. This data is then used to write recommendations, findings and to design interventions.
Community Validation makes space for communities to taken a leadership role in driving the design of programs.
When research and evaluations are conducted, whenever possible we verify our findings and recommendations with the community before providing them to implementing partners.
This means the community both provides data for analysis/design and then gets to see and sense check the results of the analysis that comes from that data.

Community Validation provides an important layer of agency and ownership of program designs and evaluations to the community.
Just as importantly, it is also a critical accuracy check on the underpinning analysis, which lays the foundation for more effective programming.
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